Alex Rodriguez

Data on Resident
Alex Rodriguez is Not Available to Talk

Age: 28
D.O.B.: 6/26/1957
Nationality: American
Occupation: NAO-6
Employer: NO-E-89 on 2 shift
Description: Human, Male, White, Hair;Black, Eyes;Brown, Build;Medium Thin Muscular, Height;5'8, Weight;190lb, Zodiac;, Traits;
Story Details: Good looking young man with dark black hair and deep brown eyes, a strong jawline and well-defined physique. I can be seen wearing fashionable clothes. Confident with a friendly, approachable demeanor. Always up for a good time and enjoys being around people. Very driven and ambitious. strong work ethic and a desire to succeed.
Address: $A$2
Vehicles: NO-V-258
Details: NO-D-250